Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What's up with e-readers?

I finally made it to Barnes and Noble to pick up Mockingjay. I haven't been in a book store in about eight weeks, and I had forgotten how much I love them! I was instantly overwhelmed by all of the possible choices, and began making a mental list of all the titles on my "to read" list. However, keeping in mind the eight giant boxes of homeless books in my garage and my desperate need to purchase bookshelves, I resisted temptation and only purchased Mockingjay. Note to self: must locate local library and apply for a card.
On the way out, Mr. DeWinter noted the new reduced price of the Kindle, and a lively discussion ensued. While I have sworn that e-readers are antithetical to all of my book-beliefs, I know that others can't live without them. What is the attraction of reading on a computer screen? I don't get it! For me, part of the joy of reading is the page-flipping, the dog-eared pages, the familiarity of a well-worn cover which is just as reassuring as the familiarity of favorite characters. Any of you using e-readers? Any of you considering making the transition? Despite my refusal to give in to technology, I remain curious.
-Rebecca DeWinter

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