Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer Vacation

I guess July was summer vacation for the Madwomen - not a single post. But that doesn't mean we weren't reading! Miss Havisham and I were so deep into the Game of Thrones series, we barely came up for air. I just finished A Dance with Dragons last week and I'm feeling a little bereft...I've been living in the world of Westeros for the two months and now I have to find something to take its place.

I'm thinking of a complete genre switch and some re-reading...maybe A Farewell to has been 17 years since I first read it when I was 17. I can't remember what I loved about it, but I definitely remember loving it. And at one point, Miss H. and I had discussed a re-read of Gone with the Wind...anyone up for it?

The Distant Hours has me intrigued too. And Savannah's description of it recalls my impressions of The Remains of the Day, which has been on my "someday" list for about ten years now. Decisions, decisions...

What have the other Madwomen been up to?


  1. Why do I always forget to sign my name?
    - Rebecca DeWinter
    P.S. - Which reminds me, I'd like to re-read Rebecca at some point too...

  2. I have begun a Westeros withdrawal of my own as it turns out. I finished the fourth book today, but it will be a few days before I get my hands on Dance with Dragons. I have NO idea of what I'm going to do with my newfound free time. Perhaps a few more episode of Millionaire Matchmaker (any other enthusiasts out there?)

    - Miss H
