Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Towner Whitney - Certifiable Madwoman!

Now that I have wrapped up my very last final of my master's program, I am celebrating the luxury of free time - by starting my summer reading, of course! Over the past few months I have collected a grand total of 7 book recommendations, and I'm hoping to get through all of them before the stresses of the 9-5 life start for me. I'm especially looking forward to getting through a book or two on the beach, if only the weather would permit!

The first book on my summer reading list is The Lace Reader, which was recommended to me by another madwomen. It's a true seaside read, as it takes place in the seaside towns of Salem and Marblehead, Massachusetts. For the first 75 pages or so, this tidbit was about the only reason I was interested in the story. I found the protagonist, Towner Whitney, annoying and the storyline slow. I am slightly more than half way through now, and I am MUCH more entertained. The family history is finally beginning to make sense, and is at times horrifying, at times nostalgic and endearing, and overall enthralling! There is a mystery to the plot that isn't too cheesy or predictable, and I have even found myself beginning to cheer for the main character (even though I still don't even like her that much!). She certainly fits the eccentric madwoman characteristics though - she even spends time in McLean Psychiatric facility for a time. This tidbit excited me as well, since I have quite a few classmates who have been working there this year!

Unless the ending totally bombs, I definitely recommend this charming beach read to the other madwomen, but caution them that the beginning fifth of the book is a little hard to get through. I'm looking forward to passing it on to anyone who might be interested!

Miss Havisham


  1. UPDATE: I finished the book last night, and the ending was definitely NOT what I expected. There's a twist that makes me feel like I have to go back and reread the whole book to fully understand it, now that I have this new information.

  2. How far have you progressed since your last post? I don't remember the ending too clearly, but I have a hazy recollection that it was weird but good.
    What else is on your list for the summer? The last few books I've picked up have kind of disappointed, although I did enjoy the Chelsea Handler...
    I'm currently re-reading A Year in Provence. It makes me want to brush up on my French.

  3. Peut-etre nous devons poster en francais?

    (And yes, I looked it up, the French have adopted "poster" as in, to post on the internet.)

    I finished Lace Reader the day after my post - i thought I updated it, but I guess I forgot to save the post. Anyway, the ending was WEIRD. I felt like I needed to go back and reread the whole thing knowing now what the ending reveals. The ending completely changes the readers' understanding of the characters, which made for an interesting, but, to me, infuriating ending. I like books that have clean endings, that leave you satisfied. This particular ending was a huge twist, completely throwing off my understanding of the book! For me, that's frustrating.

    I'm currently reading White Orleander and will post within the next few days. Up next is probably Beneath a Marble Sky or The Last Girls. Haven't decided yet!

    Miss H.

  4. OMG! Nous devons TOTALLY poster en francais! It'll be more like franglais though. Hmmm...maybe our next group read should be in French?
    Did you get Beneath a Marble Sky from Savannah? I think I gave it to her last summer. If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's really, really good! Then again, I am a little obsessed with historical fiction about India. If you like it, try The Far Pavilions by MM Kaye. L-O-V-E that book! It's like an Indian Gone With The Wind!

  5. Indeed, I did receive Marble Sky from Savannah when I was visiting a few weeks ago. I just finished White Orleander, which was good, but I don't know if I have enough reflection on it to post about it. I would recommend it, though, if you're interested.

    I'm going to start Marble Sky this weekend.

    And Speaking of Gone With The Wind, I am watching the movie in full for the first time. It may take me all week to get through it, but it's great. I forgot just how amazing that book is! I might try to dig up my copy and do a re-read this summer.
