Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snow Days to Curl Up and Read

Hi ladies-

Hope you are all doing well and staying warm!

I just finished Room, and I really enjoyed reading it. I have to admit, it was going a bit slowly at first, and I was having trouble getting into the novel. However, I ended up with a snow day, and my cable and internet went out. Without any distractions, I settled in with the book, and once I got to page 50, I couldn't put it down.

I am hesitant to start the conversation as I don't want to give anything away if you are still reading, but I wanted to encourage everyone to stick with it.

I am looking forward to discussing the novel with all of you!



  1. Mmmm...snow day reading! Did you have hot chocolate too?
    One of my favorite snow day series is the Little House on the Prairie books. They have some excellent snowbound scenes - like the one where Pa gets lost in the blizzard (I think that was in The House at Plum Creek), or when Almanzo comes to pick up Laura in the snow and bring her back to town (and she stupidly and stubbornly refuses to fall in love with him for several more chapters!)
    Last year in school we read The Call of the Wild smack in the middle of snow season...I guess I'm prejudiced because I don't really like the book that much, but the Alaskan wilderness came off much colder and harsher than the Midwest prairie. Maybe it was something about survival of the fittest, vs. the warm glow of family memories...
    Of course, sometimes on a snow day, you want to escape somewhere tropical. I'm a huge fan of historical fiction set in colonial India...MM Kaye's novels usually warm me up pretty quickly. Tonight, as we prepare for more snow, I'm in the middle of Cutting for Stone, which is set in Ethiopia. It got great reviews, but my jury is still out. I'll keep you guys posted. After that...I begin Room.
    Despite our disparate locations, it looks like we're all going to get hammered by the storm tomorrow. So...happy reading, madwomen!

  2. I started last night, and I'm giving myself a snow day tomorrow. I think we're the only school in the northeast that hasn't canceled for tomorrow. But since I don't get paid, I'm treating myself to a day of hot cocoa, snuggling under blankets, and reading. YAY!
